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International Master Program of Computer Science & Technology

来源: 点击: 时间:2020年12月18日 15:57

International Master Program of Computer Science & Technology


Confer a Degree CategoryMaster of Engineering

Program Code and Name of the First Level Discipline:

0812 Computer Science and Technology

Program Code and Name of the Second Level Discipline:

081201 Computer System Architecture

081202 Computer Software and Theory

081203 Computer Application Technology

0812Z1 Communication Systems and Information Security

0812Z2 Software Engineering Theory and Method

Coding UnitSchool of Computer Science and Engineering

Version: 2020

  1. Discipline Overview

The history of the discipline of Computer Science and Technology in Central South University can be traced back to the establishment of the Electronic Technology discipline in 1958. The department began to enroll undergraduate students in Computer Technology in 1972,began to recruit master students in 1982, and began to train doctoral students in 2000. The discipline is an authorized first-level discipline to confer a doctoral degree in Computer Science and to train postdoctoral researchers. The discipline is a key discipline in Hunan Province and was rated as excellent in all the past discipline evaluation. In the 4th round of national subject evaluation in 2017, the Computer Science and Technology discipline of Central South University was rated A-.

The discipline has a strong faculty team, including 26 Full Professors, 39 Associate Professors and 21 Assistant Professors. The faculty team includes 1 CAE member, 2 National Distinguished Experts, 1 Cheung Kong Scholar Distinguished Professor and 1 Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor. One professor receives the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and one professor receives the National Natural Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars. It has 3 winners of the Hunan Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 1 winner of the Hunan hundred talents program, 3 outstanding talents of the Ministry of Education in the new century and 5 University distinguished professors.

The department has the Cheung Kong scholars and innovative research team in university supported by the Ministry of Education of China, one National Engineering Laboratory of Medical Big Data Application Technologies, one Innovation and Intelligence Introduction Base of Medical Big Data Analysis Theory and Application Discipline , the Mobile Medical Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, the Medicine Big Data Collaborative Innovation Center supported by Hunan Province and several other provincial research platforms, including the Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Medical Big Data Collaborative Innovation Center, the Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Network Resource Management and Credible Evaluation Service, the Hunan Engineering Technology Research Center of Financial Currency Identification and Independent Service Platform, the Hunan National Defence Science and Technology Key Laboratory of Sound Detection and Information Confrontation, The Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Bioinformatics, the International Scientific and Technological Innovation Cooperation Base of Artificial Intelligence and Medical Big Data in Hunan Province, and the International Scientific and Technological Innovation Cooperation Base of Biological Data Processing in Hunan Province.

The discipline adheres to the tenet of "innovation leading, serving the society", and has achieved a series of theoretical and application fruits. It has received a large number of funding grants from National Natural Science Foundation, Hunan Province, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and industrial communities. It has won the National Natural Science Award and provincial and ministerial natural science and technology progress award many times. It was ranked as a top 1% institute among all institutes that has the computer science discipline in the world according to the essential science index (ESI).

  1. Major Research Directions

1) Network Computing and Intelligent System

This program focus on theoretical research and application practice of new network computing models represented by transparent computing, mobile cloud computing, fog computing and edge computing, aiming to solve the problems that traditional computing models face in the era of the Internet of Things and big data. It mainly focuses on the research of new network computing platform architecture for lightweight IoT terminals, distributed machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithm design for lightweight terminals, IoT communication protocols design and network performance optimization based on new network computing mode, and actively promotes the demonstration application and industrialization of next-generation network computing platform.

2) Computational Theories and Algorithm

This program focuses on theories and methods for solving hard complex optimization problems in engineering applications. It focuses researches on building multidimensional mathematical models for a series of combinatorial optimization problems and analyzing the impact of different parameters on the computational complexity of the problem. The program aims to build new mathematical models for some combinatorial problems, and tries to effective solutions from the perspective of parameterized algorithms, approximate algorithms and random algorithms, aiming to establish a set of systematic theories and methods for solving difficult combinatorial optimization problems.

3) Bioinformatics

Facing the massive biological data generated in the post genomic era, this program conducts research on new methods and algorithms to process huge volume of biological data. The program carries out systematic analysis on different types of omics data, such as genome data, transcriptome data and proteome data, aiming to address advance the research in hot issues such as genome assembly, structural mutation detection, protein complex mining, gene regulation network and dynamic protein network construction. The researches in this program aim at a set of data analysis methods for various types of biological data with different biological features, in order to extract intrinsic features hidden in the biological data features.

4) Computer Vision and Medical Image Processing

This program focuses on research in the fields of computer vision, graphic image processing, digital medical visualization analysis, medical big data processing, smart medicine, machine learning, and interdisciplinary cooperation in the context of big data. The topics in this program include computer vision methods based on human vision mechanisms, face recognition technology, 3D digital medical and virtual simulation research, glaucoma, diabetic retina image analysis and disease screening, computer-aided diagnosis and radiotherapy of early liver cancer.

5) Network Optimization and Information Security

This program focuses research on optimization technologies of new network application performances and information security, such as network service optimization and security guarantee mechanisms under various constraints. The topics in this program include optimization of data transmission, task scheduling, distributed storage under resource and QoS constraints in novel network models including data center networks, Internet of Things, and mobile Internet. This program also researches the security guarantee mechanisms of different network application services, including user data privacy protection, network application vulnerability discover and security detection, user data isolation and protection in cloud computing environments, and network security visualization. It aims to provide a solid research foundation for the service quality and security guarantee of new network applications.

6) Data Science and Medical Big Data

This program focuses on the integration of computer science and medicine. Based on the research of data acquisition, data cleaning, granulation, data clustering, data fusion and comparison, this program takes the medical big data as the research object and aims to build a platform to process medical big data. It focuses on integrating all levels of medical data of relevant hospitals, performing in-depth research on key technologies such as mining, analyzing and effectively utilizing medical big data. It also conducts researches on key technologies in medical data security and privacy protection, medical data standards, etc.

  1. Educational Objectives

This discipline trains senior professionals with a comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, and physical computer science and technology, scientific research, teaching, management, technological development, good innovative thinking and academic literacy:

(1) Has a good scientific research style, scientific ethics and cooperative spirit, good conduct, and physical and mental health.

(2) Has solid basic theory and system expertise in computer science and technology related disciplines, can engage in scientific research or independently hold specialized technical work, has innovative thinking, and be able to make creative results in the research direction being engaged in.

(3) Master at least one foreign language, can read foreign language materials and write scientific papers in the chosen subject; be proficient in academic communication in the chosen subject in foreign languages.

  1. Academic System and Length Of Study

According to the registration administration of Central South University for international graduate students, the minimum length and the maximal length of study for master students are 3 years and 5 years, respectively, including 1-year course study. The management of students’ roll whose study duration exceeds the longest duration should obey the rules listed in Regulations on school rolls for students exceeding normal period. The date to calculate study duration in each academic year is August 31.

Students with excellent comprehensive quality can apply for graduation six months in advance. To apply for early graduation, please refer to the Regulations for the Management of Postgraduates of Central South University and The Provisions of the School of Computer of Central South University on the Application for Early Graduation of Doctoral and Graduate Students.

  1. Training Method

1) The student will conduct his study and research under the guidance of an advisory group, which compose of his supervisor and co-supervisors. The supervisor is the leader of the group and is responsible of training process

2) The supervisor advises the student to make his personalized course plan, gives advice on how to perform literature retrieval, participate in academic communication and social practice, confirm the thesis topic, and give guidance in conducting scientific research.

3) The supervisors research guidance and ideological education for graduate students should be organically combined to comprehensively cultivate and improve the comprehensive qualities of graduate student.

4) There should be an elimination mechanism. All the students should pass the elimination before they can conduct further steps in the training process. The ones that fail in the elimination should quit the program or re-apply to join the program.

  1. The Credit Requirements and Course Arrangement

Course category

Credits requirement

Course category

Credits requirement

Public Courses


Core courses


Professional Courses


Optional Courses







Remedial course


Total credits



Total course credits should be no less than 27 credits, Seminars should be no less than 2 credits, Training courses should be no less than 3 credits.


Course Category

Course Number

Course Name





Public Courses


Survey of China






Communicative Chinese




Core Courses


Applied Statistics




Select  at least one course






Total credits should be higher than 14


Matrix Theory





Advanced Computer Algorithms




Select at least three courses



Data Science & Engineering





Advanced Distributed System





Machine learning and Data mining





Modern Operating Systems





Advanced Computer Networks





Academic Paper Writing and morality





Professional Courses


Cloud Computing & Big Data Processing




Select at least 2 courses


Digital Image Processing and Application





Software System and Engineering





Artificial Intelligence





Network and Information Security




Optional Courses






Select at least 2 courses


Disciplinary Frontiers and Practice





Data Visualization





Technology& Engineering of IoT





Theory and Application of Modern Cryptography





High-Performance Computing





Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing





Foundation and Application of Network Science





Natural Language Processing






Academic seminars and academic exchanges







Thesis Proposal





Social Practice




Research Training



Remedial course

Interdisciplinary applicants or applicants with equivalent academic ability must choose professional core courses for undergraduate students in computer science and technology.

Select at least 2 courses

Credits and course description:

(1) The total credits for academic master students should not be less than 26 credits, including 21 credits for course study, 2 credits for academic discussion and academic exchanges, and 3 credits for training. Postgraduate students must complete the required total credits and supplementary credits before dissertation.

(2)The courses generally take two semesters. Graduate students choose courses by semester according to the personal training plan, and the total credits taken per semester should not exceed 17 credits (the credits in the training session excluded).

(3)Interdisciplinary elective courses are allowed for graduate students, but the credit for interdisciplinary elective courses does not exceed 6 credits.

(4)Complementary courses refer to courses that must be taken by postgraduate students who cross a level of discipline or have the same academic ability. According to the requirements of the chosen research direction, additional courses for the undergraduate students in the relevant majors of the disciplines are required to take 2 or more basic courses, and the credit is not less than 4 points. Credits for remedial courses are counted, but are not included in the compulsory credits.

  1. Academic Seminars and Academic Exchanges

Academic seminars and academic exchanges is a compulsory course for all academic master students and it requires 2 credits. By carrying out multi-channel, multi-form, and diversified academic seminars and academic exchange activities, this course aims at creating a strong academic and cultural atmosphere, leading the frontier, stimulate interest, and expanding knowledge span and academic horizons.

For detailed content and assessment methods, please refer to the Implementation Rules for Academic Discussion and Assessment of Academic Exchanges in the Training Program of School of Computer, Central South University.

  1. Thesis Proposal and Confirmation

Under the guidance of supervisors, postgraduates should determine the research direction of their dissertations in the first semester, make a public topic selection report and determine research topics on the basis of consulting a large number of literature. More than 60 documents should be consulted by master students, and more than one-third of them should be high-level documents in Chinese.

The thesis proposal defence should be completed in the third semester. The thesis proposal should have a certain academic significance or application value or have some practical value for the country's economic, educational, cultural and social development. Those who do not pass the first proposal defence should apply for the second defence within 6 months. The thesis proposal defence of master students should be organized in the department (center).

Graduate students should fill in the online version of the Central South University Graduate Thesis Proposal in the graduate education management information system. After the proposal is reviewed and approved, it will be archived and registered in the graduate management office of the school.

  1. Research Practice and Social Practice

Scientific research training is a compulsory course arranges for scientific research, teaching, experiment, design, internship and other tasks, totaling 32 hours (1 credit).

Graduate students in this discipline must complete the practical teaching tasks arranged by the school or participate in social practice. According to the situation, the student can assist the instructor to guide the graduation design and teaching assistantship for undergraduates, with more than 32 hours; can also select to participate in the three ways to do practice in the countryside activities (longer than a half month), which counts 1 credit.

  1. Annual Progress Summary and Assessment

Before each school year ends, the school organizes a comprehensive summary to evaluate and assess the postgraduate's political and ideological performance, course learning performance, scientific research performance, etc., the results of the assessment serve as the basis for adjusting the level of scholarships and bursaries for graduate students and the elimination of graduate students. Those who fail the assessment will be processed according to the regulations for the management of graduate student status.

  1. Thesis Work

(1)Outcome requirements in the program

In strict accordance with the requirements listed in Central South University Computer Science and Technology First-level discipline doctoral and master's degree awarding standards and other degree management related documents.

(2)Thesis requirements

In strict accordance with the requirements list in Central South University Degree Awarding Work Regulations, Central South University Computer Science and Technology Subject Doctoral Degree, Master Degree Awarding Standards, Central South University Graduate Degree Thesis Writing Regulations, Central South University Graduate Degree Thesis Academic Misconduct Detection Mistakes Management Measures.

Postgraduate dissertation is required to be written in Chinese, and completed independently by the graduates under the guidance of his/her supervisor. Postgraduate work for dissertations should be no less than one year.

The thesis is carefully written in accordance with the requirements of the uniform format of the school's degree thesis, and the Code for Writing Postgraduate Thesis of Central South University is strictly implemented. The content of the thesis should reflect the author's ability to comprehensively apply basic theory and professional knowledge to solve practical engineering problems, and it should be shown that the graduate students have reached the requirements of the training goals.

(3)Thesis review, defence and degree award

Strictly implement the requirements of the Central South University Degree Awarding Work Regulations, Central South University's Defence Management Measures, and Central South University Graduate Degree Thesis Evaluation Management Methods.

After writing the dissertation as required, a pre-defence or pre-review of the dissertation is required. Those who pass the pre-defence or pre-examination can apply for defence of the dissertation with the consent of the supervisor and the college's review.

The dissertation must be with a correct point of view, clear organization, reliable arguments, sufficient arguments, rigorous reasoning, strong logic, and fluent text, indicating that the graduate students have reached the requirements of the training goals.

Graduate students who have passed the defence of their dissertation submit a degree application to the Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee of the second-level training unit, which is reviewed by the Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee. And the degree can be awarded after discussion the school's Degree Evaluation Committee, and a degree certificate can be issued.

  1. Graduation Only

According to the Separation of Graduation and Degree in Central South University for Doctoral Graduates Means, graduates who reaches the following requirement can apply defence for graduation only.

  1. Requirement on Academic Achievements

    The students should publish at least 1 paper on journals or EI index conferences. The content of the paper should be closely related to the graduation thesis. The author affiliation and order of the paper should conform to the universitys regulations on paper work.  

  2. Requirements on Graduation Thesis

    The graduation thesis should strictly conform to the regulations on academic degree thesis specified in this document.

  3. Requirements on Graduation Defence

    The thesis review and defence should strictly conform to the regulations on academic degree thesis reviewing and defence procedure.




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Address: computer building, central south university, yuelu district, changsha city, hunan province

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